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Medium and long-term strategic planning
By carrying out afforestation activities on a large scale, we will vigorously promote the achievement of the Company's green transformation goal while taking practical actions to have improve national and regional desertification control

Populus Euphratica and Red Willow Transported to Taklimakan Desert by Plane

In the past two days, Alar City of Xinjiang, located at the northern edge of the Taklimakan Desert, tried for the first time to use a large fixed-wing aircraft carrying out aerial seeding and tree planting in the local desert area of 50000 mu (about 33.4 square kilometers). This is also the first time that the "tree seed balls" has been used for large-scale aerial seeding and afforestation in the desertification area in the country.

Afforestation by Aerial Seeding in the Aral Taklimakan Desert, Xinjiang

In March 2021, Sinoway took the initiative to respond to the green development plan for new infrastructure proposed by the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments, and launched the spring planting and greening activities, striving to improve the green level of the company's subsidiaries and create a beautiful and green park for the company. During the event, all the staff of the company participated in planting more than 30000 trees, flowers and shrubs in office areas, production areas, project reserve areas and other areas through company's procurement, suppliers’ donations and personal donations, which greatly enhanced the greening level of the company's plant area.

The pilot afforestation of 50000 mu (about 33.4 square kilometers) by aerial seeding with “tree seed balls” was carried out at the edge of Taklimakan Desert

China News Service, Urumqi, December 2 (Qi Yaping, Lin Guoqiang) Recently, Alar, the first division of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, located in the northern edge of the Taklimakan Desert, is trying to carry out afforestation by aerial seeding with “tree seed balls” in the desertification area of 50000 mu (about 33.4 square kilometers) at the edge of the desert.